Wprowadzone przez OsintBase


Lands Viewer by EOS. Tools for measuring, search engine for location, coordinates and scenes IDs. Advanced search settings. A tool to create an animation of the satellite images and displayed location. LINK: https://eos.com/landviewer


Historic Aerials by NETRonline. All imagery painstakingly orthorectified for searchable and precise geo-locatable data. Resolution up to one meter. Search for any parcel of U.S. land and easily toggle through available years (like a time machine). LINK: https://historicaerials.com


HERE WeGo – location platform company. Spatial Intelligence tool. Using this tool, it is possible to run adaptive applications, such as driver hazard warnings or routing-as-a-service. The tool help in a real-time understanding of how objects, systems, and people interact with one another on the move. Open location data ecosystem connects and makes sense of […]


Google Maps. A tool with many options for searching for places, for example in categories such as restaurants, hotels. Possible route and GPS navigation setting. Photos of places are available. Information about traffic jams. Mobile appliaction available. LINK: https://maps.google.com


Free Map Tools. Online resource that enables visitors to use maps in order to measure, search and overlay mark-up elements on maps. Enables a wide range of useful applications. Contains a list of general map tools that are relevant to all locations. LINK: https://freemaptools.com


Flippity – The Fun eBay Shopping Engine. Helps to shop quickly and efficiently with search engine for products. Searching by the tihing you are looking for, chosen place and categories. LINK: https://flippity.com


Dual Maps combines synchronized Google Maps, Aerial Imagery and Google Street View into one embedded control. 4 categories of view to choose: Map, Street View, Aerial and Info. Zooming in, zooming out and view rotation available. LINK: http://data.mashedworld.com/dualmaps/map.htm