
United States area codes and phone numbers. Whitepages provides the most comprehensive search statistics and results for telephone numbers in North America. Each US area code may contain up to 7,919,000 phone numbers, and formats are always NPA-NXX-XXXX:
NPA = Area code assigned to a Numbering Plan Area,
NXX = Prefix or „exchange” assigned to a central office,
XXXX = Local number or „subscriber number”.

LINK: https://www.whitepages.com/phone/US


Twilio – phone validator API to check numbers and look up carriers. Lookup instantly delivers you a caller ID name and persona type.

LINK: https://twilio.com/lookup



Service Objects. Real-time, reverse phone lookup API that returns carrier and contact information based on the phone number provided. Caller contact information includes name, mailing address, address geocoordinates, phone type, line type and date ported. Wireless numbers also return associated SMS and MMS addresses. For business numbers, the SIC code is returned. The reverse phone lookup also identifies high risk phone number types like portable VOIP and prepaid phones that are commonly used for fraud.

LINK: https://serviceobjects.com/products/phone/reverse-phone-lookup-service


United States Old Phone Book. Search criteria: first name / initial, surname, city, state or reverse number.

LINK: http://oldphonebook.com


OkCaller provides analytics to help individuals better understand their contacts. The tool helps to identify parties with reliable, verifiable contact information. Searching by phone numbers and also by area code and name. Displays information such as: name, address, city, state, zip code.

LINK: https://www.okcaller.com